Convection Heat Transfer Adrian Bejan Free Download Pdf

Convection Heat Transfer Pdf
1 The First Law1.1 Terminology1.2 Closed Systems1.3 Work Transfer1.4 Heat Transfer1.5 Energy Change1.6 Open Systems1.7 HistoryReferencesProblems2 The Second Law2.1 Closed Systems2.2 Open Systems2.3 Local Equilibrium2.4 Entropy Maximum and Energy Minimum2.5 Carathéodory's Two Axioms2.6 A Heat Transfer Man's Two Axioms2.7 HistoryReferencesProblems3 Entropy Generation, or Exergy Destruction3.1 Lost Available Work3.2 Cycles3.3 Nonflow Processes3.4 Steady-Flow Processes3.5 Mechanisms of Entropy Generation3.6 Entropy-Generation MinimizationReferencesProblems4 Single-Phase Systems4.1 Simple System4.2 Equilibrium Conditions4.3 The Fundamental Relation4.4 Legendre Transforms4.5 Relations between Thermodynamic Properties4.6 Partial Molal Properties4.7 Ideal Gas Mixtures4.8 Real Gas MixturesReferencesProblems5 Exergy Analysis5.1 Nonflow Systems5.2 Flow Systems5.3 Generalized Exergy Analysis5.4 Air-ConditioningReferencesProblems6 Multiphase Systems6.1 The Energy Minimum Principle6.2 The Stability of a Simple System6.3 The Continuity of the Vapor and Liquid States6.4 Phase Diagrams6.5 Corresponding StatesReferencesProblems7 Chemically Reactive Systems7.1 Equilibrium7.2 Irreversible Reactions7.3 Steady-Flow Combustion7.4 The Chemical Exergy of Fuels7.5 Combustion at Constant VolumeReferencesProblems8 Power Generation8.1 Maximum Power Subject to Size Constraint8.2 Maximum Power from a Hot Stream8.3 External Irreversibilities8.4 Internal Irreversibilities8.5 Advanced Steam-Turbine Power Plants8.6 Advanced Gas-Turbine Power Plants8.7 Combined Steam-Turbine and Gas-Turbine Power PlantsReferencesProblems9 Solar Power9.1 Thermodynamic Properties of Thermal Radiation9.2 Reversible Processes9.3 Irreversible Processes9.4 The Ideal Conversion of Enclosed Blackbody Radiation9.5 Maximization of Power Output Per Unit Collector Area9.6 Convectively Cooled Collectors9.7 Extraterrestrial Solar Power Plant9.8 Climate9.9 Self-Pumping and Atmospheric CirculationReferencesPROBLEMS10 Refrigeration10.1 Joule-Thomson Expansion10.2 Work-Producing Expansion10.3 Brayton Cycle10.4 Intermediate Cooling10.5 Liquefaction10.6 Refrigerator Models with Internal Heat Leak10.7 Magnetic RefrigerationReferencesProblems11 Entropy-Generation Minimization11.1 Competing Irreversibilities11.2balanced Counterflow Heat Exchangers11.3storage Systems11.4power Maximization or Entropy-Generation Minimization11.5from Entropy-Generation Minimization to Constructal LawReferencesProblems12 Irreversible Thermodynamics12.1 Conjugate Fluxes and Forces12.2 Linearized Relations12.3 Reciprocity Relations12.4 Thermoelectric Phenomena12.5 Heat Conduction in Anisotropic Media12.6 Mass DiffusionReferencesProblems13 The Constructal Law13.1 Evolution13.2 Mathematical Formulation Of The Constructal Law13.3 Inanimate Flow Systems13.4 Animate Flow Systems13.5 Size and Efficiency: Economies of Scale13.6 Growth, Spreading and Collecting13.7 Asymmetry and Vascularization13.8 Human Preferences for Shapes13.9 The Arrow of TimeReferencesProblems
Emphasizing the integration of mathematical expressions with clear physical associations, this challenging graduate-level textbook on convective heat and mass transfer reviews the laws of thermodynamics and fluid motions, behavior of laminar and turbulent flows in a variety of conditions, natural free convection in space, and flows through porous media. Convection Heat Transfer [Adrian Bejan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A revised edition of the industry classic, this third edition shows how the field of heat transfer has grown and prospered over the last two decades. Readers will find this edition more accessible.