Don Allen Chop Cup Routine Pdf To Excel

I'm having trouble making excel stop rounding my numbers. I have alot of calculations and I hate when it rounds becuase it COMPLETELY RUINS all my other calculations.


I have a formula in there that the answer will always look like this (these many number, not this exact number everytime): 2.958579881656805

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I ONLY want the whole number and one decimal. I want it look like - 2.9 ... But the excel wants to round it whenever I do that and make it - 3.0. The only way I can keep the 2.9 is if i add another decimla and make it 2.96 and if I do that I'm not getting the number i exactly need anymore, now i'm making my numbers look unrealisitic (for this workbook).


So if you could give me a formula or vba that stops this. I don't want it to round, I need it to be only #.# and not round, just give me it the exact 2 numbers (#.#). So just like its hiding the rest of the numbers or its cutting them off while not bothering those 2 i need.

I need this formula or vba to work both on Cell E17 and F18.

The current formulas in those cells are:


Don Allen Chop Cup Routine Pdf To Excel Free

E17: =IF(AND(F7<>',E18<>'),((F7/E18)*1),')

Free Chop Cup Routine

F17: =IF(AND(F6<>',F18<>'),(F6/F18),')

Don Allen Chop Cup Routine Pdf To Excel Download

Please help me it's messing up all my other calculations and is really annoying. Thank you in advance to everyone who answers me and helps!!