Quality Improvement Tools Pdsa

The 9-step PDSA process is a simple and effective way to apply PDSA to our organisation’s improvement opportunities.

PDSA is a quality improvement tool that is useful for implementing some types of healthcare change using rapid small-step change cycles. It is a 60 year old change tool, modeled after the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) “Shewhart cycle” (Duffy & Moran, 2009). PDSA was made popular by one of the fathers of quality.


Each step is represented by a series of questions. Each question guides the user in:

  • establishing a shared vision of excellence (Plan)
  • identifying the root causes of the problem or issue (Plan)
  • considering the factors driving and restraining improvement (Plan)
  • understanding the needs of those the improvement is serving (Plan)
  • documenting a theory for improvement (action plan) (Plan)
  • implementing the action plan (Do)
  • reflecting on the impact of our improvement effort (Study)
  • capturing the gains made (Act).

Improvement tools are used to support, promote inclusivity and expedite the process. Ringtone that sounds like a cricket.

Learn more about Quality Learning tools.

Quality Improvement Tools Pdsa Tools

PDSA Storyboards

PDSA Storyboards are an essential feature of the PDSA Improvement process.

Storyboards are used:

Pdsa Model For Quality Improvement

  • to document an improvement team’s progress and findings
  • as a reference and guide for the team
  • to enable the team to quickly pick up from where they left off at each team meeting
  • to sharing the quality improvement process and decision-making with others
  • to induct new members into the team
  • as a historical record of the improvement efforts.

(Our thanks to the students of Caragabal Central School in New South Wales - pictured left - for sharing their PDSA Improvement Storyboard. They used the process to bring about significant improvement to their local park).

Learn more about PDSA:

What Is The Pdsa Model

  • examine PDSA examples
  • purchase a PDSA Guide.