Vmx Configuration File Vmware

In this video you can see how to open.vmx file (virtual machine file) in vmware work station. This is useful video for basic knowledge of VM ware.

  1. Vmware Edit Vmx Configuration File
3 file types use the .vmx file extension.
  • 1.VMware Configuration File
  • 2.Valve Map Backup File
  • 3.Cubase Mixer Settings File

File Type 1VMware Configuration File

CategorySettings Files
Vmx Configuration File Vmware

What is a VMX file?

Configuration file used by VMware virtualization software such as VMware Workstation and VMware Fusion; stores settings for a virtual machine created with the New Virtual Machine Wizard; includes the memory, hard disk, and processor limit settings; enables a virtual machine to be started in the software.

VMX files are saved in a plain text format and contain a list of settings in the form of property = value. For example, the setting for the memory limit may be memsize = '512', which means that 512MB of RAM is the maximum memory allowed for the virtual machine.

VMX files saved for VMware Fusion are generally stored within a .VMWAREVM package.

NOTE: If the virtual machine was created with an earlier Linux version of VMware Workstation, the configuration file may use the .CFG extension.

Unknown files on your Mac? Try File Viewer.
Programs that open VMX files
VMware Fusion 10
VMware Workstation 15 Pro
VMware Workstation 15 Pro
Updated 4/19/2018

File Type 2Valve Map Backup File

CategoryGame Files

Vmware Edit Vmx Configuration File

.VMX File Association 2

Map backup file created by Source SDK, an SDK used to modify games provided by Valve's Steam gaming service; contains a backup of a .VMF map file created by the Hammer Editor component of the Source SDK.

Hammer Editor automatically create a VMX file when a VMF map file is saved. Therefore, they can be used to revert a map back to the last save point.

Valve Source SDK
Updated 1/4/2011

File Type 3Cubase Mixer Settings File

CategorySettings Files

.VMX File Association 3

Configuration file used by Steinberg music production software programs, such as Cubase and V-STack; contains channel and effects settings for an audio mixer; used to save and load custom mixer configurations.

Vmx configuration file vmware 7
Steinberg Cubase
Steinberg V-STack
Steinberg Cubase
Steinberg V-STack
Updated 4/23/2010