Dvdx Installer

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cIOS Installation

The cIOS (custom IOS) is a custom piece of software that is used by some applications that work with unofficial content.
By installing it, you can for example use Backup Loaders and install unofficial channels to your Wii menu.
Every cIOS uses an official IOS by Nintendo as its base.

While a cIOS is installed by most people for Backup Loaders, it is also needed by a handful of other applications to work.
There are many applications however that don't need a cIOS.
Most of the Homebrew Applications on Wiibrew only need the Homebrew Channel.

See below
  • An SD Card (preferably non-SDHC) or USB device
  • Homebrew Channel installed (must be up to date!)
  • 2 cIOSs will be installed, which can be used by backup loaders and some other apps as well.

If you have no WiFi access on your Wii, follow these additional steps first. Else skip to the guide below.
The WiiU uses another method to get these WADs, so if you are softmodding a WiiU (vWii), you should skip these steps regardless.

Computer ----------------------
1. Start up NUS Downloader. If you don't have it, you can grab it on its page (or direct download link)
2. Make sure that 'Pack WAD' is enabled.
3. Using the database, navigate to the following files and press start NUS Download for each one:
  • IOS -> IOS56 -> v5661
  • IOS -> IOS57 -> v5918
4. Open the NUS Downloader directory (the folder where you placed NUS Downloader, you can use extras -> open NUSD directory to open it easily).
You will see a folder named titles. You will find two new folders in this directory:
  • 0000000100000038
  • 0000000100000039
In each folder, there is another folder for the version you just downloaded. Open this version folder and find a WAD file:
  • 0000000100000038 -> 5661 -> IOS56-64-v5661.wad
  • 0000000100000039 -> 5918 -> IOS57-64-v5918.wad
Copy both WAD files to the root of the SD card (or your USB device if you don't have an SD card).
Optionally, if you wish to verify that the downloaded WADs are correct, use a checksum tool (like fciv) to verify:
  • IOS56
    • MD5 = 5cdee6593cf0dacc18cf300b12166fde
    • SHA1 = 597c360e521ccd3062fd9c38c5369e691344d5e2
  • IOS57
    • MD5 = ac8bbbea38f29e8d8959badb3badf18e
    • SHA1 = b8fd4efbb6d7ae2f4e9328b3082901f5981701b1

Computer ----------------------
1. Start off by downloading the cIOS Installer (make sure to download the correct one):

Inside the zip will be an apps folder. Extract this folder to your SD card (merge with existing apps folder if needed).
Your SD card (or USB) should look like this:
- IOS56-64-v5661.wad (optionally, for Wii offline guide)
- IOS57-64-v5918.wad (optionally, for Wii offline guide)
- /apps
- /d2x-cios-installer

Wii ----------------------
2. Insert you SD card (or USB) into the Wii.
Now locate the d2x cIOS installer and run it.

3. Wait for the app to load. Read the text on the welcome screen (if it interests you) and press A to continue.

4. You will now see the main configuration screen.
There are many different configurations you can make when installing cIOSs. This guide merely shows our own recommendations, based on the experience of the general community. They should work fine for 99% of all cases.
  • cIOS 249 base 56 v10 beta52
  • cIOS 250 base 57 v10 beta52
  • Your cursor ( > ) will be on the cIOS d2x Version. Change the version to v10 beta52 using the D-PAD (left/right).
  • Move down, and change the IOS Base to 56.
  • Move down again, and change the IOS slot to 249.
    • In some cases it may warn you that the current (c)IOS or IOS STUB will be overwritten. You can ignore this warning.
  • Move down, and change the cIOS revision to 65535.
    • This revision is only used by the Wii when checking updates. It is set to the highest version to prevent a system update from overriding it with a non-functional official IOS.
    • This option does not appear on the WiiU installer.
(note: in the screenshot below; the version is set to beta53-alt; we recommend using beta52 instead)

You are now ready to install, so press A to continue. You will land on an overview with the available cIOS slots.
The slot you just selected should be blinking. Several other slots may be highlighted in red or purple, depending on your console and possible previous softmods.

Wait for the progress to complete. It may take a while, especially for the online installation.
Once it finishes, you will land on another IOS overview screen.
Your freshly installed cIOS should be highlighted in a green color.
On the WiiU version, you will get a simple confirmation message instead.
Press the A button to go back to the configuration screen.
Next, you want to configure the second cIOS. This time, use the following settings:
  • d2x version: v10 beta52
  • cIOS base: 57
  • cIOS slot: 250.
  • cIOS revision: 65535

Again, press A to install it and wait for the process to finish.
Once everything is installed, press B to exit the application.

You are now able to run any backup loader you want! Enjoy!
We recommend you to use a USB loader.
USB loaders do not require DVD burning and have much better speeds and interfaces.

You just need an up-to-date Homebrew Channel installed, nothing else.
But what about the Trucha Bug Restorer / Dop-Mii / IOS236?
Those are outdated hacks, and using/installing them serves no purpose.
When should I follow the steps under 'Offline NUS Downloads'?
Those steps are for people who are softmodding a regular Wii and don't have WiFi on that console. The steps essentially pre-download some required files which are otherwise downloaded by the console itself. These files can not be included with the installer for legal reasons.
People softmodding a WiiU (vWii) can skip these steps regardless, since the installer will extract them from the console itself.
Can I use other cIOS configurations as the one in this guide?
Yes! As stated above, the configurations of this guide are recommendations based on various tests by the community. They should work for the majority of cases. But you are free to install different cIOSs in different slots. We only recommend to do this if our configurations don't work, though. If you do install your own cIOSs, make sure to select a slot above 200. Also don't use slot 254 (which is BootMii IOS).
What is the IOS base for?
Since building an IOS from scratch is not very easy; the cIOSs that we install merely apply some patches to the existing IOSs provided by Nintendo for the Wii. The IOS base determines what IOS the patches are applied to.
What is the IOS slot for?
The Wii is able to store multiple IOSs on its internal memory, with each IOS occupying its own slot. The slot is merely a number that tells the system where to load the IOS from. For example, IOS56 will be found in IOS slot 56. In order to avoid overriding the default IOSs that are installed on the system, cIOSs (which are custom IOS and thus occupy the same slots), are installed in slots above 200, which are empty or stubs by default.
What is the IOS revision for?
Each IOS has an internal version number. When an update needs to be done to an IOS, the version number is increased. The system, when it detects a newer version for an IOS, will prompt the user to start a system update. The revision of an installed cIOS is thus usually maxed out to prevent the system from overriding it with a non-functional official version.
What is NAND Emulation?
NAND emulation is an optional feature. It allows you to load things like virtual console games from a fake NAND (the internal memory of the console). This fake NAND (often called EmuNAND, Emulated NAND) is stored on the SD card rather than the console itself.
USB Loaders such as USB Loader GX and Wiiflow can create an EmuNAND and use it to launch titles.
What is the 'Current IOS' listed on the bottom of the installer?
This IOS is the one used to run the installer itself (all applications need an IOS to run). It has nothing to do with the cIOSs that are installed.
Do I need to install a cIOS to use Nintendont (GameCube Backup Loader)?
Nope. The cIOS is not used for GameCube backups. It is needed for Wii backups, though, and some USB loaders may need it to run.
  • How can the answer be improved?
  • Wee had some problems getting it out to release because of the difficulties wee encountered while writing the second part of this topic. The DVDX installer instead will install a small, hidden, channel on your Wii that allows you to read DVDs on an unmodified system. It is not an installer for a patched IOS.

DVDx is an extremely easy to use DVD to VCD/SVCD/DivX/WMV converter. It does everything in one step. The software is very light weight and setting it up for ripping is a breeze. DVDx has built-in MPEG encoding routines, but it can also be used with an Adobe Premiere plug-in (LSX, Panasonic or CinemaCraft) or TMPGEnc.


Click to viewUpdate: You can now hack your Wii even more easily, and you don't need to buy anything to do it. Here's how. Despite the fact that it ships with a DVD drive, for whatever godforsaken reason, the Nintendo Wii doesn't support DVD playback—until last week, that is, when a homebrew hacker released a tool that enables DVD playback on your Wii. The best part? You don't have to crack open your Wii or disturb your hardware in any way to install it. Let's take a detailed look at how to softmod your Wii with the Twilight hack to run homebrew apps. Then I'll show you how to install the Wii port of the open source media player, mplayer, to turn your Wii into a DVD (or should I say WiiVD?) player.

What You'll Need

Since we're going to be doing a softmod of your Wii (i.e., we're not modifying any hardware), you don't really need much to accomplish this hack.


  • Nintendo Wii
  • An FAT16-Formatted SD Memory Card (more on this below)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess ($50)
  • The Wii Brew SD Installer (Windows)
  • A Windows PC with an SD card reader
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NOTE: I'm doing this all on a Windows PC, but you can manually install the Twilight Hack if you don't have access to a Windows PC.

The secret sauce lies in the Twilight Princess game. Essentially, we're going to load a fake game into Twilight Princess that exploits a buffer overflow and allows you install homebrew software on your Wii.


Sound complicated? Figuring it out may have been, but the excellent Wii hackers have made exploiting the Twilight hack a cinch.

Hacking Your Wii for Homebrew


To get started, plug your SD card into your computer. It needs to be formatted as a FAT16 filesystem, so find the SD card in My Computer and format it by right-clicking, selecting Format, and setting FAT as your file system. (If you have trouble formatting your SD card this way, try out the SD Card Formatter.)


Now it's time to prepare the SD card with the Twilight Hack. If you haven't already, download the Wii Brew SD Installer. When you've got it, make sure your SD card is plugged in and run the installer. The installer is fairly self-explanatory, but I'll walk you through it.

Choose Your Install Location


This should match the location of the SD card you just formatted above.

Select the Homebrew Features and Twilight Hack


Now you need to select the packages you want to install on your SD card (and, eventually, your Wii). I'd suggest selecting the Homebrew Channel (in fact, you need to if you want this to work), the Homebrew Browser, and DVDX (you'll need this last one for DVD playback). Make sure to select the Twilight Hack that matches your region. Hit Next and the Wii SD Installer will copy all the necessary files to your SD card.

Take Note of Your Twilight Princess Disc


If you're in the U.S., your copy of Twilight Princess is one of three different versions. One of the versions of the disc requires that you use a different save slot when we load the game later on, so just take note of the text on the inner circle of the bottom of the Twilight Princess game disc. (I needed TwilightHack2, for example.)

Perform the Twilight Hack on Your Wii


By this point, your SD card is officially prepared for your Wii. Unplug it from your computer and move over to your Wii. Plug it in and power up your Wii. At this point, you'll need to erase your current Twilight Princess saved game, copy the Twilight hack to your Wii, and execute it in Twilight Princess. (If you haven't played the game and created a save slot, you should do that before proceeding.) The video below from the WiiBrew folks details exactly how to do this.

Dvdx Installer For Wii


NOTE: If the installation froze after you loaded the saved game and talked to the man, chances are you need to use the other saved game.


You'll need to accept a disclaimer and go through a few other screens to finish the installation (just use the 1 button on your Wiimote to accept). When it completes, head back to the Wii menu. The glorious new Wii Homebrew Channel awaits.


Turn Your Wii into a DVD Player


Now that you've got the Homebrew Channel installed, setting up DVD support is a breeze. Fire up your the Homebrew Channel from the main Wii menu and you should see the DVDx installer and Homebrew Browser. Click on the DVDx installer and run through the prompt. Hit A to select Normal install unless you've installed a modchip in your Wii. (If you're following this guide, chances are you don't have a modchip.) You've finished the first step.

Now you need to shut off your Wii and plug the SD card back into your computer, because it's time to install mplayer, the app that will play back DVDs on your Wii. You can download it from the HackMii web site at the bottom of this post. (Mplayer appears to be available in the Homebrew Browser, but it's not the version that supports DVD playback, so make sure you download it manually.)


After you've downloaded it, copy the entire mplayer folder to the apps folder on your SD card. Now just take the SD card back to your Wii, plug it in, and run the Homebrew Channel again. This time you should see mplayer next to your other installed apps, like below.


To play back a DVD, just fire up mplayer, insert a DVD, and select the Play DVD option in the mplayer menu. You'll notice two Play DVD menu items, the second of which reads Play DVD (libdvdnav). The libdvdnav attempts to use the built-in DVD menu, while the other just plays the first title. Unfortunately libdvdnav doesn't really work correctly with the Wiimote yet, but it looks to be on its way.


It takes a few seconds for mplayer to start playing the DVD, but once it does it plays without a hitch (or at least it has in all my experience). Thanks to YouTube, here's what it looks like:

The Wiimote/Gamecube controller playback shortcuts work as follows:

A - Pause
1/X - Toggle on screen menu
RIGHT - Seek 10s forward
LEFT - Seek 10s backward
UP - Seek 60s forward
DOWN - Seek 60s backward
+/R - Seek to the next chapter
-/L - Seek to the previous chapter
HOME/Z - Quit

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What Else?

Once you've got your Wii opened up to homebrew apps, you've unlocked all kinds of potential, including emulators for old-school gaming consoles, different media players, and other utilities. If you've already got the Homebrew channel running on your Wii, let's hear what homebrew apps you've been using and loving in the comments. If the very idea of hacking your Wii sends shivers down your spine but you'd still like to squeeze out more functionality, check out how to use your Wii as a media center.


Adam Pash is a senior editor for Lifehacker whose multitasking Wii has cemented its spot next to his TV. His special feature Hack Attack appears every Tuesday on Lifehacker. Subscribe to the Hack Attack RSS feed to get new installments in your newsreader.